Church Groups

Children & Youth

Rainbow Bay

Rainbow Bay is our creche that runs at the same time as our Sunday service. It is for children under 5 years.


st james presbyterian church dynamite bay roomConnect is our children’s programme that runs at the same time as our Sunday service. It is for children aged 5-13 years and is action packed with fun activities and games. Each term a different theme is explored that delivers a valuable Christian message.

Connect Plus

Connect Plus is for our 13-18 year olds. It is a programme designed for our High School aged youth. It provides a place where they can meet together over morning tea to discover more about God and his plan for their lives.

Impact Youth

st james presbyterian church hallImpact runs every second Friday with games and events for years 7 to 13. To see what’s coming up each week join the private Facebook group.


Small Groups

There are a number of small groups that meet up periodically.

Photography Group

Contact: Kevin and Judy Phillips.